Call Result Button Definitions

Call Result Button Definitions

Mojo offers a total of 16 potential call results:

  1. 8 Call Results are manually set by users using Mojo's Call Result buttons.
  2. 8 Call Results are automatically applied by Mojo's dialing system based on the call's outcome.

Manually Set by User

Contact: Use this when you reach your contact. You may also update their List or Group based on the conversation.

No Contact – Next Record: Use this when you fail to contact your target and wish to move on to the next record.

No Contact – Use "Next Number" if you can't reach the contact and want to try another number for them before moving on. This only works if multiple numbers are available.

Bad NumberUse this if the number is out of service or doesn't reach the right contact. It removes only that number, keeping the contact and other numbers in the list.

Drop Voicemail: Use this when you reach a voicemail or answering machine and want to leave your pre-recorded message. You don’t need to wait for the beep; once you confirm it’s voicemail, you can select this option.

Voicemail: Use this to record that the call resulted in a voicemail connection if you have not preselected an automated voicemail message to drop during the call session setup.

DNC Contact: Use this to flag the contact and all associated phone numbers as Do Not Call (DNC). For example, if a contact has three phone numbers, all three will be marked as DNC.

DNC Number: Use this to flag only the specific phone number you are connected to as DNC. Other numbers associated with the contact will remain eligible for dialing.

Skipped: This appears when the caller selects or clicks the "X" in the call box before connecting the call. The system skips the current call and moves to the next number.

Automatically Set by Mojo

No Answer: This indicates that Mojo dialed the target number, waited for the specified number of rings (as per your settings), but no connection was made.

Incomplete: This occurs when there is a live connection, but the caller either closes their browser without selecting a call result or loses their internet connection.

Fax: This is displayed when the system’s automated detection identifies a fax tone.

Disconnected: This indicates that Mojo’s detection system has identified a disconnected tone.

Busy: This is displayed when Mojo’s automated system detects a busy tone.

Other: This is shown when the system detects an unrecognizable tone that does not match the standard telecommunications SS7 signaling code base.

Answering Machine: If you're on a live call and another line reaches voicemail, Mojo disconnects the line without leaving a message since it wasn’t a live answer.

Important Note

If you see N/A or Incomplete listed under the Activities section in the contact screen or call reports, it means one of the following:

  1. The caller hung up the phone without selecting a call result button.
  2. There was a broken connection between the user’s browser and the Mojo system, typically caused by an internet issue.

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