Our subscription is a recurring, month-to-month subscription with no long-term commitments. If you are going on an extended vacation, or are in a position where you need to take a break, you can downgrade your account to a hosted lead management license only for $10 per-month OR cancel your subscription and come back at a later date.
If you downgrade to a hosted lead management license, any data posting from Mojo or other approved vendor, will continue and available for emailing, mailing and door knocking.
In the case of an account cancellation, all data posting activity on your account will cease. Your account will stay 'reactivation ready' for 90 days from the time the cancellation has taken place. During the 90 days, you can reactivate your account at any time by logging in using your credentials. You will login to the account screen, and be prompted to create a subscription.
If you reactivate after 90 days, the data in your account will be deleted and you will start over with fresh database.